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          Welcome to Dalian Huayang
          PG581hand-held portable potentiostat - galvanostat
          • Release time : 2018-05-16 11:00:39
          • Browsing volume:4986

          UniscanPG581 is a high-quality digital scanning potentiostat-galvanostat. The compact design provides a user-configurable instrument for demanding research applications and in-field use via its internal rechargeable battery.

          Key features of the PG581
          -Portable hand held potentiostat and galvanostat operation.
          -Real time plotting of experimental data on graphics screen.
          -Data storage on removable miniSD card.
          -Research grade performance.
          -Use stand-alone with internal rechargeable battery power.
          -USB connectivity to PC for laboratory based experiments.
          -Windows? compatible software with full suite of electrochemical and corrosion techniques.
          -Connection for up to 5 Working Electrodes (multiplexed).
          -User programmable techniques via powerful macro-programming language.

          -Research Electrochemistry
          -Electrochemical sensors
          -Biomedical applications
          -Power source materials

          Copyright Dalian Huayang analytical instruments Co., Ltd.All right reserved. Preparation of Liao ICP
          友情鏈接: link1 link2 link3 link4 link5 link8 link9
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