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          Welcome to Dalian Huayang
          The New Starna DMV-Bio Cell-For low volume applications
          • Release time : 2018-05-16 11:00:14
          • Browsing volume:2997

          The unique Starna Demountable Micro Volume Bio Cell is designed for accurate micro-volume measurements with the majority of UV/Vis spectrophotometers. It provides the user with high quality, repeatable measurements based on innovative technological design and exceptional accuracy.

          Feature Benefits

          Simple optical transmission path for high energy throughput

          *Minimal reduction in baseline energy

          *Wide measurement range

          *No integral reflective surfaces to consider or keep clean

          *Uses conventional sample position of a spectrophotometer

          *Useable in most simple Bio spectrophotometers

          Patented Hydro-danamic design with two window vertical geometry

          *Effective and automatic elimination of any excess sample from measurement area

          *No additional optical components to consider

          *Fits directly into a standard 10 mm path length cell holder

          Ergonomic Demountable Magnetic Assembly

          *No external mechanical,locking or retaining devices required

          *Positive physical window positioning

          *Accurate and reproducible path lengths

          *Sample is located in a clearly defined physical area

          *Easy filling and cleaning of sample area

          Available in 0.5,0.2 and 0.125 mm certifiable path lengths

          *Effective nominal volumes of 2.5,1.0 and 0.6 ul respectively

          *Optical path can be validated to a high degree of accuracy with Starna certified references

          Available in 8.5 and 15 mm Z heights

          *Designed for use in a wide variety of spectrophotometers


          DMV-Bio/Q/0.5/Z15                       DMV-Bio/Q/0.5/Z8.5

          DMV-Bio/Q/0.2/Z15                       DMV-Bio/Q/0.2/Z8.5

          DMV-Bio/Q/0.125/Z15                   DMV-Bio/Q/0.125/Z8.5

          Copyright Dalian Huayang analytical instruments Co., Ltd.All right reserved. Preparation of Liao ICP
          友情鏈接: link1 link2 link3 link4 link5 link8 link9
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