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          Welcome to Dalian Huayang
          JTS-150 A LED pump-probe spectrometer

          The JTS-150 is a LED pump-probe spectrometer designed for electron transfer studies in photosynthetic organisms via fluorescence and absorbance changes.

          Using external and removable actinic LEDs to excite the sample and detecting LEDs to follow the electron transfer at specific wavelenght, the JTS-150 covers a wide range of applications.

          Standard applications:

          Carotenoid bandshifts
          Transthylakoid pH variations
          Cytochrome b, f, b6f
          Cyclic vs linear electron flow

          General specifications:

          Sensitivity 10-5 OD for samples with OD ranging from 0 to 2.
          Time resolution range: from 10μs to several minutes.
          Various choices of light sources (actinic and probing lights).
          Optional coupling to a laser/flash Xenon lamp.

          Copyright Dalian Huayang analytical instruments Co., Ltd.All right reserved. Preparation of Liao ICP
          友情鏈接: link1 link2 link3 link4 link5 link8 link9
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