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          Welcome to Dalian Huayang
          MPG2 - Battery Testers

          MPG-2 is the the latest models of the international popular of MacPile battery test system, is the best choice for battery, fuel cell test.

          Battery testing
          -Nickel-metal hydride

          Batteries Testing
          -GITT, PITT, CLD, CPW, APGC
          Voltammetric Techniques
          Technique Builder
          -Modular Potentio/Galvano(MP/MG),
          -Trigger In/Out,Wait

          -Current range:+/-100mA,+/-2A,/-5A option
          -Voltage range:+/-10V
          -Resolution:300μV(programmable down to 5μV by adjusting the dynamic range)
          -Acquisiton rate:200,000points/s
          -16 channels
          -Battery Holder

          Unique features
          MPG2 is a research grade of the multi-channel test system for battery, intercalation compound, super capacitor and so on. MPG-2 is the the latest models of the international popular of MacPile battery test system, is the best choice for battery, fuel cell test.
          MPG2 has 16 channels, each channel can be independently as a potentiostat / galvanostats, a single channel current of 100mA. The user can select according to different application requirements of 2A or 5A current module.

          Copyright Dalian Huayang analytical instruments Co., Ltd.All right reserved. Preparation of Liao ICP
          友情鏈接: link1 link2 link3 link4 link5 link8 link9
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