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          Welcome to Dalian Huayang
          SP-300 7MHz EIS Testing Workstation

          SP-300 is the top electrochemistry workstation(Electrochemical integrated test system)
          EIS capability:7MHz

          -Fundamental Electrochemistry
          -Environmental Electrochemistry
          -Fuel cell
          -Solar cell

          Voltamperometric Techniques
          -Open circuit Voltage(OCV), CV, CVA, CA, CP, LASV, ACV
          Impedance Spectroscopy
          -GEIS,PEIS,SGEIS,SPEIS(support Mott-Schottky)
          Pulsed Techniques
          -DPV, SWV, NPV, RNPV, DNPV, DPA
          -LP, GC, CPP, CPT, DP, ZRA, ZVC, VASP, CASP
          Technique Builder
          -Modular Potentio/Modular Galvano
          -Loop,Trigger In/Trigger Out
          -Support kinds of techniques sequence measurement
          Battery and Fuel Cell Testing
          -Galvanostatic Cycling with Potential Limitation(1 to 5 of application technologies)
          -Potentiometric titration
          -Constant Load
          -Constant power discharge
          -Current Pulse
          -I-V curves

          -built-in EIS analyzer 10μHz to 7MHz
          -Current Range:100pA-500mA、1μA-500mA、100pA-1A、1μA-4A option
          -Voltage Range:+/-10V
          -Resolution:300μV programmable down to 1μV  by adjusting the dynamic range
          -Data acquisition rate:1,000,000points/s

          Update Option
          -ULC Ultra low current modular:100pA(down to 1pA)
          -Built-in EIS analyzer:10μHz-7MHz
          -Interal amplifiers:1A/48V,4A/14V

          Unique Features
          SP-300 is a state-of-the art research grade potentiostat/galvanostat/FRA with remarkable sepcification. It is the newest benchmark in the Bio-Logic product range, suitable for all the electrochemical field. It has different testing functions, such as support for 7MHz electrochemical impedance test, floating mode, the analog signals filtered, built-in calibration module, and 9 stability bandwidths for a better control of the cell. SP-300 chassis can be built in high current / high voltage module (4A/14V or 1A/48V ), the user can also select a ULC ultra low current module, particularly suited to the need for ultra low current testing research. SP-300 can also choose  two channels into a  bi-potentiostat. In addition,  two channels of SP-300 allows two different researchers conducted two different research test. SP-300 is a powerful software package ( EC-Lab ®software ), have as many as 50 test technology and a series of analysis tools, including Levenberg-Marcquardt and Simplex algorithm EIS simulation, provides free EIS database simulation software.

          Copyright Dalian Huayang analytical instruments Co., Ltd.All right reserved. Preparation of Liao ICP
          友情鏈接: link1 link2 link3 link4 link5 link8 link9
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